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2013-01-05 19:37:00    作者:   来源:考试吧(Exam8.com)  我要评论

关键词: 英语一 考试吧 范文 考研 作文
[提要]提醒:因页面缓存,查看最新请按F5刷新,最后更新时间:2013-1-5 17:10:30  考试采取“一题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。We see that a large group of graduates come to a fork in the road and cannot decide which one they should take.

  提醒:因页面缓存,查看最新请按F5刷新,最后更新时间:2013-1-5 17:10:30


  What a vivid and thought-provoking picture! We see that a large group of graduates come to a fork in the road and cannot decide which one they should take. It is clear that the picture wants to convey the confusion every college student must face when they graduate: hunting for an ideal job, taking part in the annual National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates, going aboard to achieve further education or starting their own business.

  Undoubtedly, the decision one makes when he or she graduates will have an important or even a decisive influence on his or her life. The following factors, in my opinion, should be taken into consideration if one wants to choose the right way. To begin with, graduates should analyze and understand the different features of each road. For example, becoming an employee is far less desirable than starting one’s own business. However, enterprisers can get much greater satisfaction achievement than employees. Next, personality should be thought over. For instance, an introvert is more suitable for doing research and had better become a postgraduate. Family economic state should also be considered because some careers, such as starting one’s own business or going aboard, need more money than others.

  In conclusion, in order to choose the right way, one must be both realistic and self-aware. Moreover, once having made a decision, one should work hard to achieve his or her goal.


