
2013-01-31 16:27:00    作者:   来源:中国日报网  我要评论

关键词: treasure their 男同性恋者 爱情 wedding


  1月30日下午,北京平谷,两名老年男同性恋者在支持者见证下举行“婚礼”。头一天,他们在微博中表示,内心十分激动也伴着忐忑不安的心情。由于场地原因,他们婉拒了许多记者及网友到来,只请了关系比较不错的老朋友和两个网友出席。[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


  近日,两位老人在他们名为“两个老头的爱情”的微博上公布他们的恋情并宣布将于近日结婚,一时引发强烈争议。其中一人是退休教师,另一人是送水工人。其中一人经常来另一人家里送水,两人日久生情。他们互相称“小宝”和“大宝”。[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


  他们的相爱面临很多障碍。除个别朋友外,很少有人支持,其中一人的儿子甚至不再跟他们讲话。尽管如此,两人最终决定1月底结婚,并将婚礼内容上传微博,希望全世界网民“祝福我们”。[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


  他们在微博上写道:“我们决心死都不分开,再难再痛苦也要抗争。”[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


  北京清华大学玉泉医院性医学科的马晓年认为“同性恋是一种正常现象”,如果双方都单身,并愿意公开自己的私生活,他们的决定应该得到尊重。[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


  在2001年之前的中国,同性恋一直被法律界定为精神疾病,同性之间的爱情至今仍是一大禁忌。据统计,目前中国的同性恋人数近3000万,男同性恋者出于家庭压力与超过1600万名女性结婚。[侨报网特约记者 董懂/@两个老头的爱情]

  Two older men hold their wedding ceremony in Beijing on the afternoon of Jan. 30. The gay couple, identified as "big treasure" and "small treasure," have recently caused quite the online stir after announcing their nuptials and asking for people's blessing. []


